Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hey! Look What I Made

The Other Night I made a really good fried pizza. That's right Pizza Fritta. Crazy you say? Well That shit was delicious. I did it, now you can too...

Step 1
Wash your damn hands(Thanks C-------)
Step 2

Gather you ingrediants. I got me some fresh basil, red onion, fresh Mozzarella, a heirloom tomato, red chili flakes, Olive oil and some rock salt.

Step 3

Prepare that sheeee...Cut your tomatos, onions, cheese really really thin(this is important) Keep your basil full leaf. I bought the dough at the store and halved it. (note the flour)

Step 4

STRRREEEEETTTCCCCHHH the dough. Again, thin is in

Step 5

Heat the oil in a frying pan about 1/4 cup.

Step 6

When the oil is hot put the dough in for about 3-4 min. One side will turn crispy and brown

Step 7

Turn it over and quickly put your ingredients on one side

Step 8

Cover for about 3-4 min

Step 9

Put it on some paper towels to drain and cool

This is the second one I made it was also good and more round

You might think that this is really heavy and oily...its not. In fact it is light and crispy and the dough is permeated with the flavor of olive oil..its the bomb. The whole thing took about 15 min.

1 comment:

Lorelai236 said...

That looks soooo good. Can you mail me one? :)