Saturday, March 22, 2008


M---- Got all these random records from some old dude...Who's heard of Cactus?
C------- and I woke up and went for a loooong walk from our house to Baker Beach. I still see cars with smashed windows on the daily. It happened to me twice.
we walked past this playground...empty. There was a basketball left sitting there. It felt like we walked into a scene from "Children of Men"
Spring son!

Real life penis car
Can you spot the pedophile?(click to enlarge)
This was sitting in the bushes...seems like a trap to me... If you grew up in SF then you know about this place. Creepy


C------ quickly moves to the hard drugs

Suckasthe Beach was packed...Here there be naked people

Sewar Baby
Jelly Fish We wrapped things up at Bill's Place. I was so hungry I just got the old standby. Bacon Cheese avacado. No Regret..but next time I'm getting the "Chantastic"

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