Thursday, October 30, 2008

From the NYtimes today. I thought it was hilarious.

Here in Defiance — a town that sums up the mood of Senator John McCain right now – the Republican nominee gave a shoutout this morning to America’s most famous plumber, Joe Wurzelbacher, who was, or so the candidate thought, in the audience.

“Joe’s with us today!’’ Mr. McCain hollered at a cold outdoor rally at Defiance Junior High School.

“Joe, where are you?

Where is Joe?

Is Joe here with us today?’’


“Joe, I thought you were here today,’’ Mr. McCain continued, with dimmed enthusiasm.

Still nothing. The crowd murmured.

“All right,’’ Mr. McCain said, realizing that Joe was nowhere to be found. “Well, you’re all the Joe the Plumbers! So all of you stand up and say’’ – Mr. McCain was interrupted here by cheers. “I thank you. You know, I saw Joe on television this morning, he did a great job. And wherever you are Joe, let’s give him a round of applause for what he has done for America.’’
-Elizabeth Bumiller

I made it into a haiku:

Joe where are you sir?
Is joe here with us today?
apparently, no


It is even funnier and stranger and sadder then I expected

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