Friday, February 29, 2008


I am back from the dead...a little bit older...a little bit wiser and now I bring you my take on Lost last night: totally fucking rad!

Desmond, YOU are my Constant!

Desmond has always been my favorite Lost character. Hes kinda of an underdog and I always thought his backstory was really important...and now I know its true! Now if you will excuse me I have to go watch Mythbuster re-runs...nar.

What else? Well the Mad Decent blog came through with this gem:

Elephant Man-Kalm Dem Down

Here is a drawing I did while at work. It represents my feelings towards disco.

I am having a contest for the person who emails me a list of all the items they see on the ground. The winner receives a xeroxed copy of Disco Sux

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