So I watched the Republican Debate last night. I was hoping they would ask my question: " Who would win in a fight, Fred Thompson or The Thing?"

Ha ha Trick question...they're the same person! SNAP!
I had some observations about last nights youtubery:
1) All republicans are dicks. The group represented a wide range of dickery. From Mit "I would own slave if I could" Romney. To Fred "I will talk shit to mask my idiotic demeanor" Thompson. Even Anderson Cooper had to say "what is up with that?" Oh dont forget Rudy"Waaa I gotta have the last word because I'm a cry baby" Giuliani
2) Nobody acknowledged Chuck Norris in the Audience. I think that Chuck Norris needs acknowledgment. If it wasn't for him Texas would be over run with karate chopping drug runners.
3) They are all old white men. Is this a trend that I have missed? What the hell is going on? weird
4) Mit Romney hates gays. Like, he really hates them.

If any of those guys end up in charge I am moving to Canada. I am looking at Vancouver, Montreal or Toronto. I've been to all three. I really like Montreal for the Bagels, Vancouver for the scenery and proximity to shit(thats important) but most of all Toronto because then I can watch Kenny Vs Spenny outside of their the bushes. I have been preaching the wonders of this show for a year now. Now that it has been picked up by those bastards at Comedy Central, I expected it to turn all lame-o but so far it has kept its hilarity.
If you dont know KvS is about two best friends who...just read about it on there website:
"Kenny and Spenny are two best friends who compete against each other. Their competitions are ridiculous, immature and totally intense."
Basically Kenny cheats and messes with Spenny and it is hilarious. He talks alot about his mom. Recently the messing with has been upped due to the fact that (I surmise) Kenny has to one up himself. For example during the "Who can wear a dead octopus on their head for longer" Kenny dosed Spenny with LSD. For the boxing competition Kenny decided instead of fighting Spenny he would lock him in a closet for a few days and then go cut a rug at Niagara falls.
I am now going to cash my Comedy Central checks.