Friday, December 21, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Da Funk

I really like this blog
It has some interesting music like this gem here:
Metalica-Last Caress
Also have you ever wondered about the good life? Wonder no more because Kanye West has a blog. Yes, you read correctly. Its great.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sk8 or die
with this message:
"This sickness is still sick. Fuck writing, fuck blogging, fuck the world! Skate or die."
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Even C-rza brought the heat!
" Broke-ass Daft Punk"
We had to get up early the next morning to catch a damn boat. "Oh my aching head!"
We saw alive deer...
and dead jellyfish...
...the cycle of life keeps turning. Thats-a fine sunset!
-Frank Martin
Monday, December 3, 2007
Chromeo who?
Sunday, December 2, 2007
We eat so many Shrimp
I went to see Electroma last night with G---- and C-------. It has an extremely linear story about two robots who drive around the SW united states in a fly ass whip with the license plate "HUMAN". Who are they? Where are they going? What do they want? How can I get a car like that?
C------ fell asleep, and I cant really blame her. This movie is slow and a little challenging at some parts, but like a good Daft Punk song it is crisp, has no filler and seems like it was made by some emo robots. Plus just when you think it is getting too long it ends...always a good thing
Here is a clip from an early scene(no spoilers). You can get a sense of what you are in for. There is no Daft Punk music in the movie, but there is one of my favorite Curtis Mayfield songs and alot of other unexpected musical choices(Todd Rundgren! I might be heading to the dollar bin later). If you get a chance, go see it. Electroma is touching and poignant.
Okay Now for another instalment of :LOOK WHAT I MADE
This week it's Panko Fried Shrimp.
Gather your ingredients, Shrimp, one egg severely abused, flour and panko bread crumbs.
Make sure you shrimps are pealed and de-veined. "Shrimp are not expensive/they just labor intensive"
Thursday, November 29, 2007
I gots to do some dishes

I had some observations about last nights youtubery:
1) All republicans are dicks. The group represented a wide range of dickery. From Mit "I would own slave if I could" Romney. To Fred "I will talk shit to mask my idiotic demeanor" Thompson. Even Anderson Cooper had to say "what is up with that?" Oh dont forget Rudy"Waaa I gotta have the last word because I'm a cry baby" Giuliani
2) Nobody acknowledged Chuck Norris in the Audience. I think that Chuck Norris needs acknowledgment. If it wasn't for him Texas would be over run with karate chopping drug runners.
3) They are all old white men. Is this a trend that I have missed? What the hell is going on? weird
4) Mit Romney hates gays. Like, he really hates them.

If you dont know KvS is about two best friends who...just read about it on there website:
Monday, November 26, 2007
I am not the average Mother Fucker!
This and more HERE in an amusing article about street fights on Youtube.
Hope er'body had a nice Thanksgiving...Next stop the festival of lights! Choo! Choo!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Well winter is here and in some places(not here) it's snowing. In honor if this help me help you with a COLD SNAP:
Dear Editor,
This letter briefly comments on an article written byBen Detrick that appeared in The New York Times onNovember 11, 2007—“Skateboarding Rolls Out of theSuburbs.” In his article on urban skateboarders Mr. Detrick characterizes the rapper and producer PharrellWilliams as instrumental in legitimizing skateboardingin the eyes of African-American youth.
He writes that: "In the 2002 video for ''Rock Star,'' a song by hisgroup N.E.R.D., Mr. Williams wore a T-shirt emblazonedwith a logo from Shorty's, a Santa Barbara, Calif.,skate shop, and performed atop a ramp as skaterscareered past him...The widely played video helpedsolidify the bonds between the hip-hop andskateboarding scenes." This portrayal of Mr. Williams as a trendsetting influence on skateboarding culture is overstated andmisleading. In some ways any "greater bond betweenhip-hop and skateboarding scenes" has occurred inspite of, not because of, Williams' effortful posturing.
Within a youth movement that puts a high premium onauthenticity judgments of Mr. Williams tend to bedismissive and severe. In short, Williams lacks thatineffable quality known as "street cred." Only aminiscule number of skateboarders, if polled by Pewsurveyors or other demographers, would cite Mr.Williams as a reason for their involvement in thesport.
"Thats cold dawg"
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Maximum Innuendo.
I just saw this movie

It takes place in England(duh) in 1983. There is a pointless war abroad and civil unrest at home. Sound familiar. It follows a young lad as he becomes involved with some skinheads, eventually falls in with the National Front, a white supremacy group that calls for white English men to take back their country. I would say 40% of this film is fashion montage set to Toots and the Maytals. The other 60% is a interesting look at how hate is learned and exploited. The main character is a twelve year old in face and body, but he has the eyes of a sixty year old man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Get your Ben Sherman on!

I was looking on youtube for a clean video of Vanity 6's "Nasty Girl". There are not any, I guess that Prince loves em and leaves em. I did find this. Her eyes say: "ejaculate on my dress."
Friday, November 16, 2007
Mikey Mouse Club
I dint realize that "Children of Men" was a documentary
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Don't get too down, Sylvester's here!
In other news
I have been informed that some of the songs are not downloading as they should...I am working on it.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
2000 BC
1) Jake Gyllenhal and Reese Witherspoon strolling the promenade
2) A delicious meal of butterfly Shrimp n' Chips
3) The filming of a Bollywood (style) movie
4) A flattened seagull
5) A hawk sitting on a dead pigeon in the middle of the sidewalk
6) A troll and god enjoying some waffles
7) A decimated ecosystem
I will never leave the house without my camera again.
DUUUDDE remember this song?......I dont.
2000 Brain Cells ago "wikkie wikkie"
Plus this is inappropriate but wonderful. Make your mother proud and memorize it for Thanksgiving dinner hilarity.
Dancehall Tuesdays! Yeaaahhhh Maaaaannnn!
Sizzla-Give it to Dem
TOK-Chi Chi Man
Monday, November 12, 2007
Spooky Scary
Nevertheless I can get enough of this song:
Skepta-In the Corner
Its great! And just when you think that it is over it goes into this ragga Mr uglyman soundclash shout out that puts it over the edge!!!
"I didnt come here to lick no foam" What does that mean? Who cares! Turn it up!
This novelty party song has become a bonafide hit!
Werewolf Bar Mitzva The club remix
I personally like the original better...oh well
I am a Farmer
C----- and I hopped on the bikes again and went to this lame ass store on Haight that took over another lame store. Regardless they have a cool show in the back. Work by Phil Frost and some guy named Robert Pimple. I liked it. Check it out its at the RVCA store.
It was closed off when we got there...I would have liked to get some close up shots...oh well...
Now where can I get a free boat? I know! O'farrell and post(if it is still there...crazy)
I am currently working on two made for TV scripts that am going to sell to the Lifetime network. I am no scab. I will wait until I can get all my royalties before I sell it for a million dollars. The first one is about the forbidden love between a Math teacher and her mentally challenged student. I have to make it a female teacher or else Chris Hansen will be all up on my ass. Anyways the working title is "Beyond the Numbers" Beyond the Numbers lies a burning love that could not be divided. Also There is the story of two women, one from the south side of Chicago the other from Oak Park. They both go in to receive eggs for Artificial insemination. BUT (here is the kicker)the hospital mixes up the women. The rest of the story involves the now grown children looking for there true parents and identity. This one is called "Scrambled Eggs"
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Burn and Turn
Friday, November 9, 2007
The only thing I care about is not caring...Virtual Reality
You can see my brother and I in the crowd during Mike Carroll's run
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Hey! Look What I Made
The Other Night I made a really good fried pizza. That's right Pizza Fritta. Crazy you say? Well That shit was delicious. I did it, now you can too...
Step 1
Gather you ingrediants. I got me some fresh basil, red onion, fresh Mozzarella, a heirloom tomato, red chili flakes, Olive oil and some rock salt.
Step 3
STRRREEEEETTTCCCCHHH the dough. Again, thin is in
Step 5
Step 6
When the oil is hot put the dough in for about 3-4 min. One side will turn crispy and brown
Step 7
Turn it over and quickly put your ingredients on one side
Step 8
Cover for about 3-4 min
Step 9
Put it on some paper towels to drain and cool
This is the second one I made it was also good and more round
You might think that this is really heavy and oily...its not. In fact it is light and crispy and the dough is permeated with the flavor of olive oil..its the bomb. The whole thing took about 15 min.